The Links, Incorporated is an international membership organization of predominantly African American women. The organization is primarily concerned with enriching, sustaining and ensuring the identities, culture and economic survival of African American and persons of African descent. It is committed to creating and implementing educational, cultural and civic programs, with international, national and local impact. The Links, Inc. is a tax-exempt public service, non-partisan, volunteer organization. Founded in friendship on November 9, 1946 by the late Mrs. Sarah Strickland Scott and the late Mrs. Margaret Roselle Hawkins in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the original membership consisted of nine women: Mrs. Frances Atkinson, Mrs. Katie Green, Mrs. Margaret Hawkins, Mrs. Marion Minton, Mrs. Myrtle Manigault, Mrs. Sarah Scott, Mrs. Lillian Stanford, Mrs. Lillian Wall and Mrs. Dorothy Wright. Fourteen groups of women established the first and charter chapters of the National Assembly and held their first national meeting in Philadelphia in June 1949. Delegates represented: Atlantic City, Baltimore, Central New Jersey, Dayton (Ohio), North Jersey, Petersburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Raleigh, St. Louis, District of Columbia, Wilmington Delaware and Wilson-Rocky Mount Tarboro chapters.
Since its inception, the organization has continuously redefined its purposes, sharpened its focus and expanded programmatic efforts to make The Links, Inc. not only a chain of friendship, but also a chain of purpose. In 1958 the first specific program facet, Services to Youth, was adopted. In 1964 The Arts and National Trends and Services were formally added as specific program facets, in 1978 International Trends and Services became the fourth facet and in 2010 Health and Human Services became the fifth facet. In addition to hundreds of activities, projects and programs in these facet areas, The Links, Inc:
In 1980 established The Links Foundation, Inc., a 501c(3) tax exempt organization, to further its purpose through philanthropic endeavors
In 1984 purchased a building for its national headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Is recognized as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) affiliated with and represented in the United Nations
The phenomenal growth of the organization led to the creation of four geographic areas of chapters: the Central, Eastern, Southern and Western areas. Each area holds a biennial conference alternating with the biennial National Assembly. As of June 2013, 12,000 plus women have linked together in Service and Friendship, in over 276 chapters located in 41 states. We are an organization of accomplished, dedicated women who are active in your community.
For more information on The Links, Inc., please visit the national website at